Monday, February 28, 2011

Miracles happen...!

SO there I was. Sleeping. Asleep. Very happy to be asleep. Then I woke up and...  it didn't happen.

Ok, so let me explain. I have two monsters that live inside me. One lives inside my tummy and it eats ALL my food, leaving none for me. This is the only scientific explanation to why I am hungry almost every minute of the day... And the second monster is the most ferocious. Actually he is quite famous.  The Sleep Monster. Or at last that is what my husband has named it... You actually can take a poll from the people who have slept in a bed with me or who have lived with me, or even who have happened to wake me up!
 The Monster lives people.
Well, today he did not rear his ugly head... heads? I actually DID IT. I woke up before 8 am. With out coffee.
So this was my Monday Miracle.
  In college I went through this phase where I wanted to be like my best friend.  My best friend who wakes up early and goes running. She is like the USPS... not rain nor snow nor hail or late nights up with the girl friends; nothing stops her from doing some sort of productive activity in the wee hours of the morning.
  Any ways. I asked her to wake me up every day and for a few weeks/months ( i can't remember! Can you?) she did. I would wake up and watch the today show with Matt Lauer and ... that blonde lady.. and then the other lady.... and then the really great weather guy ... Al Roker! I loved it!
So today was perhaps the first time since that early mornings stint that I watched the Today show... loved it!
   Other mircales: (well they haven't happened yet but...)
I have decided to
*embrace my arms ( my aunt inspired me. she says in a great new york accent " ehhh what canya do? they're Bezares arms! " and hello.. Bezares women.. do we not have the HOOD muscle? am I right?!)
*Be a vegetarian again - whilst eating burritos for lunch with chicken in them I finally realized that along with the black beans and quinoa I actually didn't like the taste of chicken. So Steve says we'll be Free-atarians. We'll just not eat meat unless it's free! Sounds good for the budget!
* Become more like my best friends who both get up early and...get up early.
Oh, yes, another noteworthy miracle.
I baked something today with out causing a major disaster! Nothing burned. Not one thing. I could hear them angels a'singin.
Less than Miraculous:
Dear body,
   Hi, remember me?The one that feeds you ? The one that only eats whole wheat? The one that drinks 8 gallons of water a day? The on that gets carpet burn from doing Yoga Melt down?!?!?!
Great. So, um... WHAT THE HECK is your PROBLEM!?! You turn 24 and suddenly decide to get all dimples on me? Well this is your notice... REMOVE THEYSELF FROM MY ASS! and every where else!
 Sincerely Yours,

Oh, other Miracles that would be lovely to happen!
Steve has a job interview tomorrow! Prayers please my people!
And I had one last week and should hear from them by the end of this week!

<3 love to all.



  1. pssst. Totally agree on the celulites. *grumpy face* so I got some cute board shorts and other long but cute shorts for not-swimming in, and *happy face*.

    Freegans! you only eat what you get for free... dumpster dive, etc... A few of my friends are into this. They pay lots of attention to product recalls.

    hey God, Steve would love a job. Please let it be this one.


  2. Haha, oh Morgan, you make me smile. Congrats on the early morning, I'm still working on that one too. I'll be praying about your jobs! :)


  3. love love love from another early morning girl! I'm so in love with 4am these days. This entry makes my heart happy! I love hearing about all the little things that make up your day. I love the little things. they make us who we are. (and you my friend are one fine lady!)

    I'm praying over Steve's job interview as well as yours. the waiting period can be the most difficult time for sure.

    oh, and I'm telling my ass the same thing...girl, you know.

    p.s. the freegan thing does help the budget. I only buy meat when seriously on sale or when we get it free. it also helps my thighs not to eat too much animal protein ;-)
