Monday, February 21, 2011

Magical Snow. Tazza D'orro & Adventures in Winter Wonderland

Day of adventure.
Here is how it happened.
   Leave the house. Good bye golden retirevers.
Hello icey slush chunks falling from the sky.
Drive to the BIG CITY
Steve has an interview. Wait for Steve in the car. Talk to Mami.Contemplate eating ice cream while waiting for Steve. Decide my thighs can't afford the cream. Think about coffee. Decide we shall get coffee after interview. Start to get worried about Steve. Text Steve to see if he has been man-napped. Steve comes out 30 seconds later. Think Steve some times looks like Brad Pitt. Start to drive in the slush. Squeal the tires. Steve asks if I want him to drive. I adamantly say no. Two seconds later I slide down the road and almost into some one. THEN we go to our cute apartment. Well, the outside. Say hello to our fun apartment from out side. Try to find a cafe near by. Get lost. End up at Boarders. Check out the close out sale. Say hello to a woman with dreds in the bathroom. Pretty sure she was shooting up. See a cross dresser man with a beard. Say hello. Check out the cards on sale. Look for more good steals. Give dirty looks to suspected shop lifters. Wait in line for 10 minutes. Get a Real Simple for 3 dallas. Halla. Forgot wallet in the car. ....
 Finally find coffee shop 2 hours later. Sit and sip delicious coffee with cute husband in a european-esuq cafe surrounded by snow.
THEN the adventures began.
  So there we were driving carefully in the snow at 25 miles an hour. Ok, maybe it was 15 but any ways. It was slow. We suddenly see 2 miles of very still red tail lights going off into the distance. On the highway we needed to be on. So we got out the map. We find another way. Slowly we make our way up up up and around the interstate. It's dark. It's snowy. We are doing GREAT because my husband is a vetran snow driver. But then there was THE HILL. And the car went down, down DOWN! And to the left and to the right and then there was this DITCH! that thankfully was filled with soft, white, peaceful snow. So we did not crash, or become dismembered or total our car. And we even came to a complete stop by the time we got to the bottom of the hill. We even made it home in time for dinner. Well, dinner at 10 pm.
And for the rest of the ride home I just kept yelling " We ALMOST DIED!" And Steve did not force me to walk even though I was ranting and raving while he was trying to concentrate....
     what a day!


  1. I'm glad you're both okay! Props to you for even trying to drive in the snow--I refuse! There are a lot of cute little coffee shops here too. :)

  2. oh, snow driving...I have avoided it for 6 years, but now that we have a car, I am forced to learn! Also, I am super excited that you are now on blogger because now I can follow you! yay!

  3. Aw you're so cute. I miss seeing you at the bank!

  4. Hahahaha, oh my goodness. I can't believe the weather is so crazy there. I mean here it was like in the 70's all last week. :)

    Man, I miss you. So full of life :)

  5. yeah, I have conquered my fear of snow driving (otherwise, I'd never leave the house in winter!) here, I don't have to worry because every other car has a plow. someone will get me out :) Morgan, I love hearing of your adventures! you're descriptions are so you! oh,

    ...and Steve does look like Brad Pitt

  6. AHH! Girls I love you! Thanks for reading my blog!

  7. Dearest Morgan:

    you rock. Reading your blog makes my day happier. :)

    Belly laughs are good for weightloss, I hear!
