Sunday, March 20, 2011

Northern Hospitality... ish

So I have been spending much time at this little coffee shop in our neighborhood called Tazza D'oro. Which the masses fondly refer to as Tazzadoro's. Here is the thing: its the most intimidating coffee shop I have ever been to! And every time I leave  I just think to myself i just want to go to the drip! But tonight as I was sitting here it clicked. This old guy is loudly yelling at these college students. They are trading comments about sewing and growing up in the Burgh. People are telling the Barista's goodbye before they leave. Every one is saying, " Good night every one"... and suddenly I realize. Every one knows every one else! And I'm not in the club. Why? Probably because these loud northern people freak me out and I keep being a shy and quiet fuzz ball.
NO MORE! Time to ask some questions and get some answers. ... Is that a line from the little mermaid?
    So I can't decide if my clothes are shrinking or my wait is expanding... ! Its time to hit the gym. HARD.
I was recently inspired by a picture of me in a bathing suit from 2 years ago and I screeched through the house LOOK HOW SKINNY I WAS!!! Too bad I didnt think I was that fit! Shame!

Oh PS say hello to northern hospitality in the way of : the barista gave me my tea for free tonight because I didnt have enough cash. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

On with the next. A new week.
oh Lord let us see you near.

1 comment:

  1. its certainly a differnt kind of hospitality here in the north, but its here for sure! I've noticed a rough-around-the-edges, BUT help-you-with-anything way of life here. People here get my sarcasm and dry humor...and my face doesn't hurt because I don't have to smile all the time for no good reason. I dig it!
