So. Here are some thoughts. A Saturday morning peaceful moment. And this happened.
Live a fearless life. Live your dreams. Wear cute work out clothes. Be well read. Stand up for yourself. No panty lines please! Wear tight jeans. Be kind to every one. Take good care of your feet. Eat healthy 85% of the time so you can eat treats. WEar a good bra so your don't end up like tribal african women or a 95 year old granny. Don't slouch. Read the labels. Always be on time. Crack kills. Call your Mami. Call your Grandmom. Call your Titi's. motorcycle cops look weird. BMW's are over rated. Hummers are DUMB. Early morning is good even if your eyes are puffy. I think that some people experience life really well with out quiet jazz music, a cup of coffee and a good sit. Not me. Life is always just passing me. The moments ----> go! My anxiety and calculating waus have a tendancy to overtake the moment. Some people may call this an expensive caffine addiction. But I call it mindfulness and self awareness. Or thinking. Or being. yes. just being.
sit. think. be.
stop. calm. rest.
observe. listen. contemplate.
world. pass. slowly. thank you.
Hm. So the weeks go by and all I can say is that God is with us. And He is breaking our chains. And He is saying to me " Put down your paper plate. Come to the table made. Deep blue china. Set on the table by the wine. So fine."
And often I choose the paper plate and I choose to live in death but He is callling out to me
" Come to me. All who are weary and have heavy burdens. I will give you rest."
So it is a good thing to sit at the table of God and let him lift our burdens right off our tired shoulders.
So He holds the feast. He pours the wine. He sets the table. And I?
Sometimes I eat from a paper plate.
Sometimes I pull out the chair. unfold the napkin. Sit back. and delight myself
in the richest of fare.
Oh that there would be more feasting in our hearts than eating from paper plates!
<3 xo